Questions to ask a prospective Reiki Teacher
How long have you been working with Reiki? What training have you had? How often do you teach? How do you personally use Reiki? What is your lineage? Do you still have an active practice where you see clients? My answer: I have had a successful Reiki Practice for over 9 years now. I still work as a practitioner daily, and I teach courses throughout the year. I have my Usui Reiki and Karuna reiki Masters (and Master Teacher), and am also qualified in Jikiden reiki
Will this training initiate me into, or progress me within the Usui lineage? If not, then which lineage is it a part of? My answer: Yes, my course falls under the Usui lineage.
What are the prerequisites for the various levels of Reiki and do I require any qualifications for taking your Training? My answer: There are no prerequisites for Reiki, it is a gift that everyone posseses, and the initial Usui Reiki 1,2 and advanced course requires no qualifications.
What do you cover in your classes? How many hours of class time is included? How much time is instructional, and how much is hands on practice? My answer: Please see the COURSES page for the course outline. All in all the course is 48 hours in total with at least 50% is practical. I also offer all my students the option to come back and sit in on, free of charge, any sections of the course they feel they need to revisit. I am also always available to recap and help.
What are the specific things I will be able to do after taking the training? My answer: After receiving your Advanced Reiki Certificate, you will be able to practice as a Reiki Practitioner.
What are your fees, and will I receive a certificate and a manual? My answer: My Reiki course is an extensive 4 month (Once a week, 3 hours) course. You will receive 3 certificates (Reiki 1, 2 and Advanced) and all your manuals. The course is R6200 payable over the 4 months.
Can I take notes? Am I allowed to record the class with a dictaphone, video camera or any other device? My answer: yes
How many symbols will I learn? My answer: you will learn 4 symbols in Reiki 1, 2 and advanced.
Will you openly support me in being a successful Reiki practitioner or master or master teacher? My answer: Yes
Do you mentor & support prospective Reiki Master Teachers? This is an important one if you would like to go as far as Masters. There are certain Reiki schools that will not teach beyond Advanced, as they do not want other Reiki teachers encroaching on their "turf". If they say they will mentor you as a prospective teacher no matter where you live, if you so desire, please get it in writing first. My answer: Yes, I will support you as far as you need to go irrespective of where you live. I truly believe that the world needs more teachers and there is plenty of work for all of us. Bearing in mind, that you should practice Reiki for at least 3 years before Teaching.
Do you have a positive respectful attitude toward other Reiki practitioners and masters, regardless of lineage or affiliation? My answer: Yes. I strongly believe that everyone should be respected, no matter what.
I am registered with the following Reiki Associations
The Reiki Guild South Africa (Founding member) - RGSAMT0001/23
The ICRT - The International Institute For Reiki Training (Reg # ZAP-14-20)
The Lightarian® Institute
The Jikiden Institute
The Energy Healers Association
I am a registered trainer with the Energy Healers association. It is one of the associations that are in the Energy Healers Organization and are blessed with it's way of training, as negotiated with the QCTO) In collaboration with the HWSETA (the Health and Welfare SETA) and the QCTO (the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations), the EHO has developed the qualification, Natural Energy Healing Practitioner (Qualification Number recognized world-wide as 532906000). The Energy Healers Organisation has accepted the role of the Assessment Quality Partner, which means that they have to assess the quality of training, and ensure the quality of care given is to the highest standard.