Gendai Reiki
Gendai Reiki Ho is not a new Reiki system. It can be referred to as “original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho in the Gendai Reiki style,” as it allows people in modern society to learn and practice the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho easily and comfortably. It is a mixture of both traditional Japanese reiki and modern reiki.
Gendai Reiki is split into 4 levels:
Shodun (The Beginning),
Okuden (The middle / Deeper)
Shinpiden (The Mystery)
Gokuikaiden (The master Level).
Shodun and Okuden can be completed within a couple of weeks of each other, but there is a couple of months break before doing Shinpiden, and Gokuikaiden can be completed once case studies have been completed after that.
Gendai Reiki teaches not to rush through all the levels of Reiki.
So dates for Shodun and Okuden (level 1 & 2) are:
Sun 27th October 2024
Sat 2nd Nov 2024
Sun 24th Nov 2024
Sun 8th Dec 2024
Shinpiden will be scheduled in the new year
Prerequisites for this course: Usui Shiki Ryoho 1,2 and Advanced.
This course is invaluable for people who have completed the above. It gives you a deeper understanding of how traditional reiki is practised, and encourages you to go deeper into your spiritual practice as a practitioner.
The cost of level 1& 2 is: R3500 - - I will need a R500 deposit to order the manuals.
Level 3 R2500
Level 4 (masters TBA)
I originally started writing this course by request from my Reiki Students, who wanted to learn skills in order to further empower their future clients. However, while I was writing it, it became clear to me that this would be highly beneficial to everyone on a spiritual journey, whether you are a practising healer or not. This course provides the insight we need for our own spiritual development, as well as our clients. If you are at the beginning of your journey, or simply want to expand on your existing knowledge this course is a must as it will explain and demystify so much that we all find confusing, and therefore don't use, in our everyday life.
I have structured this course in a way that you can do the entire thing (and receive a certificate in Spiritual Counselling) or you can just attend the classes that suit you, and the ones you would like more knowledge about. You will be given tools to use for yourself or for potential clients.
The first class will be a double class and is scheduled for Saturday 30th June from 9-5. I will supply all notes, refreshments and a light lunch. The cost of the double session is R900 (R450 / class).
The first sessions topics will include:
Examining our personal belief system, and what that means.
Basic spiritual terms
The Spiritual Laws of the Universe and how to work with them.
Intentions, Goals and Affirmations.
Listening skills.
Further classes will include healing the inner child, sacred contracts, The shadow side, enneagrams, chord cutting, Dealing with fear and anxiety, meditation skills, Raising your vibration, breathing techniques, forgiveness, The Importance of Colour and creativity and more.
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Lightarian Reiki™
Lightarian Reiki uniquely prepares you to deliver a broader spectrum of healing energies by extending the vibrational range of Reiki beyond Usui-based and Karuna® Reiki modalities.Inspired by Ascended Master Buddha, Lightarian Reiki has been brought forth now to accelerate the healing process for humanity...focusing on expanding your abilities as a Reiki Practitioner to channel healing energies of a higher vibrational nature for the benefit of others.
Through your enhanced and expanded attunement connection with Ascended Master Buddha, you will also personally benefit in your own healing raising your personal vibration as you step through the four levels of the Lightarian Reiki program.
Training format for each of the 4 levels of Lightarian Reiki
Each training level consists of two simple phases:
(1) A thorough self-study of the Training Manual followed by a Question/Answer exchange with the Lightarian Reiki Teacher by telephone, via E-mail or face to face and
(2) the energetic Attunement itself - delivered by skype or in person
For Lightarian Reiki I & II, a comprehensive Training Manual is provided and a smaller, supplemental Training Manual is provided for each of the three follow-on levels.
Waiting period between Attunements: For most individuals, a 30-day waiting period between the various Lightarian Reiki attunements is generally recommended. We honor the 21 day Reiki healing cycle with each level.
Upon completion of each level of Lightarian Reiki: As a Practitioner, you are energetically prepared to deliver healing energies to your clients and, as a Teacher, once registered with the Institute you are fully prepared to begin training and attuning your own students.
A Master Teacher/Practitioner Certificate is provided to acknowledge your satisfactory completion at the end of your program.
Prerequisites for taking Lightarian Reiki
There are two prerequisites for taking Lightarian Reiki: First, you must be an Usui-based Reiki Master/Teacher. Secondly, you must either have received Karuna-based Reiki 1 & 2 OR the Lightarian "Buddhic Boost." The Lightarian Buddhic Boost is offered as a means to energetically "bridge the vibrational gap" between Usui-based Reiki and Lightarian Reiki. Receiving the Buddhic Boost will simply and effectively lift your vibration up to the Second Band of the Reiki energies, in preparation for receiving the higher vibrational bands of Lightarian Reiki I & II.
Cost: R650 per attunement including manuals. If you need the Buddhic Boost that will be 5 attunements.
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Colour Therapy: The Magic of Colour Course
3 full saturdays: 8; 15; 22 September from 09:30 - 17:00
Cost: R3900 (this can be divided into 3 payments of R1300. A deposit to secure your place, first payment at the beginning of the course and the last payment at the end.
Please join us on this amazing colour therapy workshop. During these 3 days, you will learn how to do a nine bottle colour reading, where each bottle relates to a different aspect of your life. It lays the foundation, knowledge and wisdom of colour. Learn how your colour choices bring insight and increases your understanding of self and others. The process brings enlightenment and supports you in all facets of your life, while giving you the tools to more effectively manage your responses in any situation. Completing this phase of the journey begins the process of self-healing and re-claiming your power. Your choices offer insight into your gifts, talents and hidden potential. Using the divine oils and Angel Sprays, helps you to navigate and overcome the barriers on your path to fulfillment.
This workshop lays the foundation so the client will really know and understand what they are ready to work with and how they can help themselves in the process:
It covers the following:
· Understanding how colour relates to the chakras.
· How colour supports us physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually
· How to do an insightful and multi-facetted 9 bottle assessment
· How we sabotage ourselves and what needs to change in order to move forward
· Discover your potential and how to move the obstacles to get there
· How the coloured oils and Angel sprays can support your life
· How to work with dowsing rods -to test the balance of the chakras
· Which colours will support mother during pregnancy, childbirth, and for children
· Which colours to use in an office, therapy practice or at home, to keep the energy clear and light
· An effective way of doing space clearings
· How to incorporate colour into other therapy – to support both the client and therapist
The training includes a workbook and DVD. It will include lunches, teas and snacks. Once completed, you will receive a certificate as a Colour Therapist and will be registered with Penni Du Plessis as a Colour Therapist and will be able to buy your oils and sprays through her at wholesale prices.
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The Lightarian AngelLinks™
The five Lightarian Angel Links are designed to create extraordinary connections for you with a high vibrational team of angelic beings. This team consists of a Seraph (named Rose Aura) and four Archangels (Michael, Raphael, Uriel and Gabriel). The Angel Links have been inspired by Seraph Rose Aura and these Archangels in order to directly and more strongly work with humans to advance their spiritual development. Their intentions are to infuse into the energy fields of humans many of the qualities and energetic patterns which they embody.
Typically, the connections created via the Angel Links are much deeper than the angelic contacts that humans have long been experiencing. These linkages with Seraph Rose Aura and the four Archangels are especially fine-tuned, extremely high-vibrational and truly permanent in nature. They are very different from the more traditional “telepathic and etheric interactions” that many individuals already have with the Angels. Each of these Angel Links sets up a new, very special kind of linkage within your energy fields to allow you and these angelic beings to work together more effectively.
In general, these five angelic beings have committed to working intimately and powerfully with us… Their focus is to help you embody and expand the pure angelic qualities of unconditional love, non-judgment, courage, beauty and joy in your day-to-day life. In addition to these five major angelic qualities, each angelic being will be a guide for you in these other specialized ways:
Assisting you in navigating within the etheric realms,
Supporting you with divine healing,
“Lighting your way” into the future time,
Stimulating your creative expression and
Making your communications more effective.
Read more about AngelLinks
How it works:
I will send you an Angel Link Information Booklet in advance for self-study. As you review the Booklet, you will learn all about the Angel Link process, especially how simple and easy it is to share the Angel Links with others once you are attuned. When you have completed your reading of the Booklet, just contact me to arrange for your appointment to receive the Angel Links.
The angelic connection takes place through a guided meditation. During the meditation, I establish a simple, permanent, etheric energy connection directly between you and the angelic being. This guided meditation can take place in person, by phone or in a remote (telepathic) mode.
There is no formal training involved with the Angel Link process. However, if you have any questions about the information in the Booklet, you can discuss them with me during your in-person or phone session. If you receive the Angel Link remotely, then any questions can be addressed via phone or E-mail.
After receiving your Angel Links, you become a “Facilitator” and once registered can then begin sharing your Rose Aura connection with others. In this way, you become an “angelic conduit” and participate in the expansion of these divine qualities and patterns throughout humanity.
Cost R2000 for all 5 Angel Links. These can be done seperately or all at once. Your attunement will include an Angel Card Reading.
This course is not taught by myself, but I am helping in the facilitation. This extensive 3 day course, will be taught by two wonderful and extremely knowlegable crystal healing practitioners.
Heinz is an educator and environmental- and earth scientist by profession for close on 40 years. Through personal and family experiences he came to realize that, while conventional medicine may certainly have some solutions, it definitely does not have all the answers for all our health issues. This led to an interest in complimentary medicine and, in 1997, he trained in massage therapy; principally Swedish massage.
He has been very fortunate to obtain qualifications not only in South Africa but abroad as well. Having been required to travel extensively in the course of his work he has had the good fortune to expand his experience and expertise through qualifications in complimentary health from those countries as well. He has a qualification in Hot-Stone massage from the Edelstein-Balance Institute in Germany in 2005 and the work of Monica Grundman, and was later (2009) privelidged to be trained in gemstone massage & gemstone healing by Annette Jacobi of the Cairn Elen Foundation. He has further qualifications in Tao massage and in Lomi-Lomi massage, including Lomi-lomi Pohaku; the lomi massage using hot stones & gemstones, in addition to having trained in Reiki.
After meeting Daniela towards the end of 2015 and initially exchanging treatments, Daniela has now been trained in the art & science of incorporating gemstones into healing massage work. The positive feedback from clients has led to the formation of the ‘Holistic Bodywork and Wellness Center’ with the object of offering training in bodywork incorporating gemstone work. It is in this context, and from the close connection between Reiki, chakra work and gemstones, that they have started working together with Angela from Angels’ Touch, and will offer the first of a series of courses on this exiting modality in the second half of the year. The intention is that there will initially be courses at three levels, each delving further into the material and its application.
While Daniela's original background is one of art; after studying swedish massage she decided to move into complimentary healing and completed three more courses namely Indian Head Massage, Hot Stone Massage and Reflexology. After meeting Heinz in 2015 and receiving a Crystal and Gemstone treatment from him, she experienced some profound effects. "The Crystal Meridian Treatment blew my mind because their profound electrical sensations rippled their magic along the meridian pathways and specifically across the (closed)eye area there was much nerve twitching, quivering and blue and green colorations flickering and it healed me of shingles of the left eye, that I had been struggling with every few weeks every time a stressful situation arose. I can truthfully say that I have not had a single attack since that day. I was astounded and I still am". Since being shown the technique and being encouraged by Heinz to practice, She has intuitively introduced the Crystal and Gem Stone massage technique into some of the treatments of people willing to experience it – and has received wonderful reactions and feedback from most of her clients, and found that it added great value to what she loves to do most, and intends to keep going with it.
For a full breakdown of this extensive course, please email me.